About director

About Our Director

RAHI TECHNO SERVICES has established and managed by core team of members,headed by Dr.M.B.Londhe having practical experience in the area of sugar and energy to grow the sugar industry in India and abroad. The principle objective of Rahi Techno services is providing consultancy services for setting up and running sugar plants.

The firm has its credit in successful handling of multiple projects in a short span of time. It has won acclaim and awards from satisfied clients. The company would offer entire gamut of services involving sugarcane plantation management, cane management services, sugar mill operation, maintenance, refinery operation & performance improvement, process technology for refinery, sugar quality. It provides services for improvement in technical performance of sugar plant.

Rahi techno services offers end to end solutions for all the aspects of sugar industry. The services cover from sugarcane to sugar. Rahi techno services core expertise includes energy conservation in sugar processing,expansion of sugar plant,reduction in steam consumption,sugar crystallization,sugar quality improvement.

Dr.M.B.Londhe is the director of Rahi techno services.He is science graduate and achieved Ph.d in sugar technology. He has an experience of over 30 years including 28 years with Vasantdada Sugar Institute, Pune and 2 years with Saraswati Sugar Mills, Yamunanagar,Haryana as a Manufacturing chemist.

Career in VSI

Dr.M.B.Londhe was the Technical Adviser of Vasantdada Sugar Institute,since 2008. He conducted seven training programs and five refresher courses on sugar technologist and sugar engineers. He played a key role in improving sugar quality from 1990 to 2008, designing various steam economy/steam reduction schemes in Maharashtra from 2008-2014. He has achieved expertise in various problems of sugar industry such as sugar quality, mud settling, reduction in final molasses purity, individual mill extraction system.

At VSI, he has been engaged in various R & D project Such as Development of VSI massecuite boiling scheme, Juice flow stabilization, Short retention clarifier, individual Mill extraction system, Short retention juice sulphiter, Sugar keeping quality study, Development of reduction in steam consumption, reduction in pan vapour consumption etc.He has also developed and designed Chemical control software package for sugar industry. This software is installed in 55 sugar mills up to 2000.

He has been widely traveling in India as well as abroad and possesses good knowledge about the sugarcane rich geographical area. He recently conducted a special training program in Fiji-February 2013 & February 2014. He has been involved in improved performance of various sugar factories all over the world.

He has been a life member of DSTA & SISSTA,fellow member of STAI,Chairman of various technical sessions of DSTA/STAI, national committee member form ICUMSA,worked as meber- judge panel Energy summit arranged by Confederation of Indian Industry Hyderabad – Energy summit 2014.


  • Awarded Gold Medal for Best paper “Evaluation of Heat Transfer Coefficient and Specific Evaporation Coefficient” by SISSTA Annual convention.
  • Awarded STAI Silver Medal for Effective use of VLJH for achieving higher heat transfer coefficient by joint convention of STAI & DSTA 2011.
  • Awarded as Best scientist from VSI in October,1997.
  • Awarded STAI Silver medal Award for Sugar beet juice extraction system – An experience with 100 TBD sugar beet pilot plant.
  • Filterate treatment in short retention clarifier case study at Manjara S.S.K.Ltd.
    Vasantdada Memorial Prize for best paper in byproduct session.
  • Awarded by STAI Silver medal award for Sugar beet juice extraction system – An experience with 100 TBD sugar beet pilot plant – Working at Samarth SSK Ltd (M.S.).
  • Awarded by Vasantdada Memorial Prize & Shirgaonkar Memorial for comparative study of different A m/c boiling techniques with special reference to export sugar quality.

International Achievement

  • Participated into 23rd ICUMSA session, Berlin, Germany – May 1998
  • Visited to 25th ICUMSA session,Sao Pedro , Brazil– September 2006
  • Annual conference of Sugar Processing research Institute (SPRI) – September 2006
  • Worked as ICUMSA Referee for GS-7 – cane Sugar Processing Subject – 2004 – 2009
  • Consultancy Services to M/s Tata International Limited al for expansion of Wonji & Shoa factory in Ethiopia – March 2009
  • Teaching to Fiji Sugar corporation trainees – Sem I & II– February 2013 and February 2015.